Become A Member

Member Benefits

HUUNT members enjoy the full scope of what we have to offer. Members may purchase listings starting at the free Starter and Base levels. Base and Premium memberships can list land and guided hunts. Our paid membership unlocks even more capabilities. 


For new and experienced hunters looking for their next big adventure.


For those wanting to reach new hunters and share their love of the outdoors.

$ 299 / month

Our Premium membership includes advanced listing features and marketing benefits.

All memberships include:

Purchase Listings

Anyone can browse our listings, but only HUUNT members can complete a purchase. Once you create an account, you can purchase listings.

Favorite Listings

Not ready to make a commitment? Save your favorite listings so you can come back to them later.

Google Maps Access

Post-purchase you'll receive access to view the land via Google Maps so you can see exactly where you'll be hunting.

Ratings & Reviews

Unlock ratings and reviews from other hunters about working with a landowner or outfitter, hunting on a certain property and more.

Base membership includes:

Post Listings

Set your land within a hunter's sights. Listing your land, guided hunt or fishing trip puts you in front of potential clients.

We charge 10% commission off of the final sale. All commission comes from the party that posts the listing. The party that purchases the listing is responsible for any tax or shipping, if applicable.

Premium membership includes:


Go commission-free with our Premium membership. Post land and guided hunts for free, ideal for users listing multiple properties, trips, vouchers, and trespass fees every season.

Full Contact Information on Listings

Our Premium membership include full contact information on your listings, making it easy for hunters to connect directly.

Included in Featured Listings

Gain more exposure being included in our featured listings throughout

Listings in Huunt Social Media Posts

Gain more exposure being included in our featured listings throughout

Included in Remarketing Campaign

Premium members are part of our remarketing campaigns, targeting previous hunt seekers and increasing booking potential.

Dedicated Partnership Page

Premium members have a dedicated partnership page to showcase your brand and listings.

Search Engine Optimized Listings

Premium members have optimized listings for search engines, improving visibility to book more hunts.